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six days of rain.

Writer's picture: a.a.

the first rain is resentful.

resentful and acidic.

it spews onto the world with force

that tears the roads apart.

she’s rested for months,

she’s giving back to us.

dangerous and fatal,

only to be admired from afar

payback for the treatment we gave her home.

the first rain is resentful,

resentful and acidic.

the second rain is softer,

softer and calmer.

the acid is gone, and the force- less.

don’t get me wrong, the roads are still unstable

the rain isn’t done yet,

but it wouldn’t be wrong to let your arm out the window to feel the cold drops against your rough skin.

the second rain is softer,

softer and calmer.

the third rain is a downpour.

it falls and it falls,

there are no more raindrops, only several lines of water shooting down from the gods.

the rain is no longer avenging us,

not really.

the acid is gone and the roads are flooded with this form of liquid calmness.

the dismal gray skies thunder down, as if answering prayers but the gloom isn’t as agonising. there’s something enchanting about this rain, if you look past the insects, maybe take a step out onto your grass, you’ll feel something resurrecting inside you- something that had been missing all year long. something you never knew you longed for.

the third rain is a downpour,

it falls and it falls.

the fourth rain is barely there.

the rain drops aren’t visible and the cool pitter patter is hardly felt on your head.

the sun is out and the world awaits a rainbow,

a mere five minute reminder that miracles exist.

the rain doesn’t hurt, the rain dances on the world as the air drips with contentment and pure happiness.

the fifth rain is no different, she’s taking a break. resting before the war that the sixth war brings.

the sixth rain is a battle, goddesses are now bidding goodbye. they will come back, they’ll be back next year but until then we wait.

the sixth rain brings all the love and anger it has left.

it leaves the roads damaged and soil- fertile.

it leaves with a warning and a caressing hug.

it’s conflicted in its nature, unsure of how it feels,

unsure of construction, unsure of destruction,

just sure of its departure.

it’s leaves the world, waiting for its next arrival with strokes of lightning in the sky and the violent roars of the animals above us saying hello once again.

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