songs have always made me feel at home,
and yours, somehow, influence
this insane feeling of home-sickness.
Your words seem to crawl up my spine,
and dwell in my mind-
until lines of musicality
course through my blood,
and the rhythm dances on my fingertips,
that tremble from fascination.
lyrics now reside embedded in my brain-
a ghostly and yet intoxicating reminder
of everything i have ever felt,
everything that is left to feel.
songs now flood out of my mouth,
taking with them estranged thoughts
that i had left hanging in my throat,
clinging on to life.
i smile incessantly,
my sister thinks im possessed,
and i think of ways to tell her
the way these words make me feel,
to tell her,
they feel like warmth on my skin,
and freedom on my tongue.